Kill Process in Linux or Terminate a Process in UNIX / Linux Systems
I am a new Linux system user. How do I kill process on Linux based server using command line options? How can I kill running process on Unix?
View ArticleLinux / UNIX: Find out or determine if process pid is running
How do I find out my process is running on a Unix-like operating systems? How do I get the pid number for particular process on a Linux operating systems using bash shell?
View ArticleLinux: Find All File Descriptors Used By a Process
How can I find all the file descriptors used by a process such as httpd (Apache web server) or mysqld (MySQL Database server)?
View ArticleLinux: Find Out What Process Are Using Swap Space
The top and free command display the total amount of free and used physical and swap memory in the server. How do I determine which process is using swap space under Linux operating systems? How do I...
View ArticleLinux how long a process has been running?
I'm a new Linux system user. How do I check how long a process or pid has been running on my Ubuntu Linux server?
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